Ali MaCall Jenkins Wins 1st Place in 2014 Radon Competition

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Ali MaCall Jenkins, a 7th grader at Mapleton Junior High, has been awarded 1st place honors in the Utah Department of Environmental Quality Division of Radiation Control's 2014 National Radon Poster Contest.  Ali entitled her poster:  “Stop Radon Before it Stops You or Someone You Love!”   Ali’s inspiration undoubtedly came from her aunt who lived with her family and then passed away from cancer.  It bothered Ali to know that radon is the second leading cause of cancer so she shared her talents to bring awareness to people about the dangers of rado

Lori Jacobson/Lori Jenkins

MJHS Youth Representatives

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We are happy to introduce Camberlyn Robison and Cameron Asay.  They will represent Mapleton Junior High with the Nebo Student Youth Council.  They will periodically meet with the District Board providing student input, opinions, and suggestions on various subjects of concern.  We are confident that these two great students will do an outstanding job in representing our school.

Spirit of the Mustang - January

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Each month the faculty at Mapleton Junior High presents the Spirit of the Mustang award to a faculty member that embodies the school mission statement of "Students are the focus - Success is the goal".   These individuals go above and beyond.  

In January, the award was passed to Justin Johnson, Science teacher at MJHS, with the following remarks:

Zack Beddoes

Science Fair Winners

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**Top row, left to right: Phillip Richey, Trevor Jeppson, Samara Lessley, and Haley Green**

On December 11th, Mapleton Jr. High had their school science fair. We had many great projects this year. Thank you to all the participants. Below are the finalists that will represent our school at the district science fair in the spring.

First Place: Phillip Richey

Question: Does the temperature of a magnet affect the strength of the magnet? 

Second Place: Haley Green

Nicole Hickman

Fine Arts Christmas Delight

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MJHS Choir, Band, and Orchestra celebrated the season with their annual Christmas concerts highlighting the outstanding talents found at Mapleton Junior High!   There is no better way to alleviate the stress of this busy time of year than with music.  We hope that you were able to attend and experience the joy and peace that was present.   

Spirit of the Mustang - December

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Each month the faculty at Mapleton Junior High presents the Spirit of the Mustang award to a faculty member that embodies the school mission statement of "Students are the focus - Success is the goal".   These individuals go above and beyond.  

In December, the award was passed to Zack Beddoes, PE teacher at MJHS, with the following remarks:

MJHS Presents "Alice in Zombieland"

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Alice in Zombieland was performed at Mapleton Jr. High this past Halloween.  In it, Alice took her friend, Dinah, through Wonderland as they encounter one big problem, Zombies!  They interact with many different characters as they try to solve the zombie infestation.   The show was done in neon costumes under black lights. In the words of The Mad Hatter (Jon Krutsch), "This spoof was very fun to perform, rehearse, and watch.  The cast was a amazing, and the feel of being on stage during this performance was unique, it was well, honestly, really hard to explain.

Jon Krutsch