Mapleton Junior High has a National Track Star?

Submitted by nathan.mohler on

Mapleton Junior High School is buzzing with excitement as one of their own students, Tyson Pugmire, has been making waves in the National Indoor Track Championships. With his incredible talent and hard work, Tyson has proven that he is a force to be reckoned with on the track.

In the preliminary round of the 400 meter race, Tyson ran a blistering time of 51.88 seconds, putting him in the top eight athletes nationally. This impressive feat alone is enough to make anyone proud, but Tyson's journey was far from over.

Newsies: Behind the Scenes

Submitted by nathan.mohler on

For the last couple of months, actors and tech crew have been working hard to learn all their roles and create a fun, smooth show for everyone to enjoy. Opening night was on Thursday, March 2nd. Everyone did a fantastic job and only had a couple of glitches. While the tech crew worked hard to get the glitches worked out, the actors kept on going and acted as if nothing happened. The actors even had a little boy from the audience dancing along with them!

Newsies Jr at MJHS

Submitted by nathan.mohler on


Article Written by Hannah Brown, 8th Grader and Writers Club Member

What does it take to put on a play in a junior high? Among directors and choreographers, included are the talents of costume designers and set builders.

Delayed Start 2/23/22-

Submitted by nathan.mohler on

2/22/23-Due to the recent storm, all schools will be operating on a two-hour delayed start today. This means that if your school normally starts at 8:00 a.m., it will be starting at 10 a.m. Busses will also be running on a two -hour delayed schedule. 


Nebo Parent Guidance Series -- Mental Health Awareness Opportunity

Submitted by nathan.mohler on

Attention Nebo Parents:
Join our next Mental Health Series...
"Emotional Regulation: Recognizing What's Wrong"
February 22, 2023, 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. via Zoom.
Go to:

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate. We welcome you to come, learn, and participate so you can help others.

Secondary Science Fair Results

Submitted by nathan.mohler on

Exciting News! We are thrilled to share that our Secondary schools in the Nebo School District came together for an exhilarating Science Fair, and three of our very own MJHS students have made us proud with their exceptional projects.

Let's give a thunderous round of applause for Callie Friden, who secured 3rd place overall with her incredible project based on Behavioral and Social Science. Way to go, Callie!