Spirit of the Mustang Recipient - Leslie Lines

Submitted by devin.jackman on

When you think about teachers that greatly contribute to the family atmosphere of Mapleton Junior High,
Leslie Lines is one of the first teachers that comes to your mind. Leslie is always willing to go the extra
mile for her school. She teaches huge classes of energetic kids, coaches multiple sports, and volunteers
as much as possible for extra responsibilities. Leslie does all of this with a smile on her face. Not only
does she do a fantastic job at the school, she is a loving and responsible mother. I admire the amount of

Justin Johnson

Spirit of the Mustang Recipient - Justin Johnson

Submitted by devin.jackman on

As I thought about whom to give this to, all the faces and names of everyone who have influenced me in some way obviously came to mind. I could give this to anyone of you honestly. But the name that just kept coming back time and time again was Justin’s, because he has done so much for me over the last 3 years.

Saia Naulu

First Annual School Poetry Slam

Submitted by devin.jackman on

Mapleton Junior High is celebrating National Poetry Month with our first ever school Poetry Slam on April 18th at 3:00pm.

Winners of the school slam will compete in the District Poetry Slam and get an opportunity to see famous spoken word poet Sarah Kay during school on April 24th.

To sign up or get more information, go to your English teacher’s classroom or the drama room.


-Poem must be at least 12 lines long

-No longer than 3 minutes

Spirit of the Mustang Recipient - Saia Naulu

Submitted by devin.jackman on

This month's recipient of the Spirit of the Mustang award I see working everyday on his craft.  He has influence beyond the classroom and court. He connects with students on multiple levels and willingly helps those of us who struggle with these same students.  He is engaging in his lessons, and interacts in positive ways with students, parents and colleagues. He is an artist as well as an athlete. I often hear students talk about him and his class as being their hardest and best/favorite class, which is a tribute to his high expectation level and teaching level.

Jacob Thomas